Investigation #1 - Gorenament

Various heart-shaped parasites are hidden throughout Poppy Valley and drag it’s host as far west as it can reach.

Investigative Summary

Hidden within the many cracks and crevasses of Poppy Valley are rumored to be the parasitic Cardicore, an elusive mimic said to take over living organisms and transport them west.

After Zayshawn is handed a Cardicore perceived to be a Christmas ornament, he mistakenly gives it to Miranda and it proceeds to wreak havoc inside of her Morning Glory dorm.

Item of Interest


The Cardicore is a Mimic-type Parasite that utilizes it’s accumulated life essence in it’s sac to control other living organisms.


Enter Zayshawn Jackson, a sophomore student at Valerian Preparatory Institute who’s in love with the art of Tabletop RPGs and roleplaying. It is today that he announces the start of his Castles & Cryptids Club. The only problem is that it’s mandatory to have 3 active members to establish a club at school. And so, his quest for acquiring founding members begins!

1.2 loud roommate

Sharing a dorm with the very loud and charismatic Zayshawn is the studious Valerian junior, Anya Asante. While they aren’t bothered by the occasional noise from Zayshawn’s roleplaying, the idea of an entire club being hosted inside the dorm doesn’t sound appealing to them.

Zayshawn reassures Anya that once he secures two more club members and becomes an official club, he will be issued a complimentary club room he can host from. Anya is relieved.

Anya declined Zayshawn’s invitation to join the Castles & Cryptids club, suggesting that he should focus on inviting people he’s more familiar with first.

1.3 Little Help Here?

As if timed perfectly, Zayshawn’s childhood best friend Miranda Onyx tweeted out that she needs assistance setting up a Christmas Tree for the holidays. Zayshawn sees this as the perfect opportunity to help her and simultaneously ask her to join the Castles and Cryptids club.

Miranda is a student of the artistic boarding school Morning Glory Academy, which is quite a distance from Valerian Prep. Luckily, Anya has their own van and was willing to to give Zayshawn a ride if it meant getting him out of the dorm quicker.

1.4 Small Victories

After everyone met up at the Morning Glory dorms, the trio was able to set up the mini Christmas tree with ease. Although it looked good, Miranda thought it needed one final touch to be considered perfect.

When Zayshawn finally asked her about joining the Castle and Cryptids Club, Miranda promised she’d join under the condition Zayshawn finds her a pretty Christmas topper to put on her tree. With that said, Zayshawn bolted to the shopping district (driven by Anya).

1.5 Heart Shopping

Many of the shopping district stores only kept expensive accessories since Christmas was right around the corner. Sadly, Zayshawn allowance money only goes so far.

It was at his last stop, RaveTown Party Goods, where he was approached by an employee with an interesting offer. Jeremy Kohler offered Zayshawn a free heart-shaped tree topper from the backrooms. With no other options available, Zayshawn accepted it and passed it along to Miranda who was ecstatic with the design.

1.6 Merry Christmas

A late-night selfie confirmed that Miranda loved the new ornament and she’d be happy to join Zayshawn’s Castle and Cryptids Club. And so, on the night of a strong yet comforting blizzard, Zayshawn took a nice nap knowing that there was only one more member to acquire before the club can officially be formed.

The night became less comforting when Zayshawn was woken up by several spam calls from Miranda. After picking up his phone, he could only the sounds of Miranda being flung around by an unknown source. Without missing a beat, Zayshawn ran out of his Valerian Dorm and headed towards Morning Glory Academy in the middle of the blizzard.

Anya was woken up by Zayshawn’s stomping. After picking up Zayshawn’s disregarded phone and seeing where he was heading, Anya got into their van and drove into the blizzard to find Zayshawn and escort him to Morning Glory more efficiently.

1.7 Heart Attack

After arriving to Miranda’s dorm, the two were immediately dragged into the room by enlarged, animated roots. The miniature Christmas tree Miranda purchased had become a sentient beast sprouting layers upon layers of ever-expanding wood from it’s undersized pot. The tree topper that sat atop the plant had distorted and developed humanoid-like characteristics, spewing more of it’s neon pink life essence the throughout the room. The various ornaments and accessories that decorated the tree also animated and showcased more of their nastier tendencies the more they became coated in the pink liquid.

Anya used Zayshawn’s phone to send an SOS tweet to all Morning Glory students. Anya had realized that the creature Zayshawn unknowingly gave Miranda was a Cardicore, a mimic-style parasite that utilizes the visual appeal of its dormant state to deceive living organisms into donning them.

Anya called out to the other two that the best way to disable the parasite was to knock it off of the host. Without a good reach, Zayshawn began grabbing anything he could to throw at the core of the creature. With a spare frisbee prepped, Zayshawn readied an attack but was halted by the roots surrounding his left forearm twisting and snapping the bone. This affected his aim and Zayshawn instead hit Miranda in the nose. Luckily for the group, Miranda is an avid frisbee player and was able to quickly recovery and land a direct his on the core, knocking it loose and stopping the animated tree in its tracks.

Those awake at Morning Glory rushed to the dorm to see an exhausted trio in pain; Zayshawn with a broken forearm, Anya with a cracked rib, and Miranda bleeding profusely from her nose. The three were rushed to the Poppy Valley Hospital for emergency care.

1.8 Sisterly Duty

Not to long after the events of the Cardicore attack, the hospital began contacting the parents of the involved students. Zayshawn’s phone was broken during the attack and he did not remember his parents number, so he instead had the hospital call his older sister Zaire Jackson that attends Jimsonweed Alternative School. She would pass the hospital message to their parents and get him a new phone.

(She would not receive this hospital message until after the events of Investigation 2 – Happy Pappy)

1.9 Rest and Recovery

After 3 months of recovering from the accident, Zayshawn and Anya were finally ready to be discharged from the hospital (Miranda’s nosebleed was handled within a day). Zaire brought Zayshawn his new Lemonline replacement phone and told him that she is being forced by their parents to monitor him closely and ensure he doesn’t get into any more mishaps.

Zayshawn uses this as leverage to say that if Zaire wants to be around him then she will need to join the Castles and Cryptids Club to be allowed into the clubroom. With no other options, Zaire reluctantly agrees to join the club, making it known that she’ll be leaving as soon as their parents say Zayshawn doesn’t need to be monitored anymore.

With this, the Castle & Cryptids Club had another members to become an official club at Valerian Prep and apply for their very own clubroom!

Read other Investigations

There are rumors of the Doting Dan Huggable Bear at Happy Pappy Emporium housing organs instead of stuffing.

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RaveTown Party Goods


Valerian Prep


Morning Glory






A digital scrapbook of my encounters with the mysterious and unknown.

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